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  • Writer's pictureAlice Whitfield

Harness Inner Power: Discovering the Magic of the Yoga Bandhas

Yoga Bandhas
Yoga Bandhas

Exploring the Bhanda Locks of Yoga: Enhance Your Practice


Within the intricate tapestry of yoga lies a set of practices that delve beyond the physical postures, offering a gateway to harnessing and channeling the body's energy. These practices are known as bandhas, also known as energetic locks that possess the ability to bind, hold, and direct energy within the body. The result? An enriched practice that encompasses heightened concentration, mental clarity, and a profound mind-body connection.

Other bandhas include maha bandha (a combination of the 3 primary bandhas engaged simultaneously) and the two minor bandhas; hasta bandha (the hand lock) and pada bandha (the foot lock), making 6 in total.

Unlock a different dimension to your practice as we explore the 3 primary ancient body locks and maha bandha.

Mula Bandha: The Root Lock

Mula Bandha, often referred to as the "root lock." As you engage the muscles of your pelvic floor, a series of profound transformations begin to unfold. Not only does Mula Bandha tonify and fortify the organs in this region, but it also lays the foundation for an increased flow of energy throughout the body. For men, the focus rests on the area between the anus and the genitals, while women are encouraged to direct their attention to the pelvic floor muscles. Seated comfortably, initiate the activation of this lock, sensing the gentle upward pull. Experience the empowering effects of Mula Bandha, ranging from heightened stamina and concentration to improved pelvic nerve stimulation and relief from incontinence, (it's important to note that pregnant women and those menstruating should approach this bandha with caution).

Uddiyana Bandha: The Stomach Lock

Uddiyana Bandha—the "stomach lock" that resides between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor. This bandha possesses the ability to guide subtle energy upwards while offering a rejuvenating internal organ massage.

Begin by sitting in Sukhasana, easy seated pose. Draw your navel gently inwards and upwards towards the spine. For a unique variation, stand with your feet hip-width apart. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, fold forward gracefully, allowing your hands to rest on your thighs. Feel your abdomen drawing towards your spine, creating a sensation of drawing everything inward from the stomach. Embrace the profound sensation as you hold this position, and then release as you take a full inhalation. Witness the alchemical effects of Uddiyana Bandha as it harmonises the abdominal organs, facilitates the flow of energy, aids in digestion, and tones the abdominal muscles, (it's advisable to practice this bandha on an empty stomach and with fully exhaled lungs. Individuals with ulcers, hernias, or those menstruating or pregnant should avoid this practice.

Jalandhara Bandha: The Chin Lock

Jalandhara Bandha, often referred to as the "chin lock," exerts its influence over the energy within the neck region, this creates connection between the head and the heart. To practice begin by finding a comfortable cross-legged posture, allowing your hands to rest gently on your legs. Inhale deeply, elongating your spine, and gently close your eyes. While maintaining a straight back, gradually lower your chin towards your chest, effectively closing off the throat and windpipe. To intensify the lock, consider gently lifting your chest. Embrace the suspended breath for as long as it feels comfortable, and then gracefully raise your head, exhaling deeply as you return to the initial position. For those seeking a gentler approach, an alternative option is to place one hand in front of your face and exhale as if you are misting up a mirror. Then, remove your hand while continuing the same exhaling motion, and finally, close your mouth while repeating the action. This practice is known as ujjayi breath, offering a milder yet effective variation. By engaging Jalandhara Bandha we stimulate the thyroid gland, balance metabolism, and deepen the balance between mind and body, (please note, individuals with high blood pressure, heart conditions, or those who are pregnant should exercise caution with this bandha).

Maha Bandha: The Great Lock

Maha Bandha, or "The Great Lock." This union of all three bandhas can only be embarked upon once mastery of each individual lock is attained. Initiate with Jalandhara Bandha, followed by Uddiyana Bandha, culminating with Mula Bandha. As you hold your breath in this state, embrace the interplay of bandhas, gradually release them in reverse order. Experience the transcendental benefits of Maha Bandha as it enlivens the nervous system, nurtures internal organs, and cultivates a harmonious equilibrium within.


By exploring the world of the bandhas a bridge between the physical and the subtle emerges, the seen and the unseen. By incorporating these energetic locks into your practice, you begin a journey of self-discovery, groundedness, power, and synergy between the mind and body. As you gradually infuse bandhas into your practice, honoring your body's wisdom and boundaries, you will unveil a reservoir of strength, clarity, and self-awareness that enriches every facet of your existence.

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